The Spectral Void issue #1 kickstarter is funded!

art, comic, illustration, Uncategorized


The Spectral Void issue #1 project is funded!!!!

Hello everyone! I’m so excited to tell you that today we hit the funding goal with 12 days left. Thank you so much for supporting my comic book and helping me reach this milestone. Couldn’t have done it without you!!!

but wait there’s more!:

Since the funding goal has been met and there are still 12 days left stretch goals are available. To mark this occasion just made the stretch goal amounts a little more attainable! Once the funding amount is over $750 any backer over $10 will get a NEW 5 x 7 signed print included in there order.

So please get out there and share the project! That way we can meet the new stretch goals and get you even more great perks as a supporter!

Kickstarter project link: