Mr Excel cartoons

art, illustration





A while back got commissioned to do 4 illustrations for MrExel’s book “The 40 Greatest Excel Tips of All Time.” These cartoons were out of my comfort zone but great fun and hope to do more cartoon work like this in the future! So if anyone is looking for cartoon work like this you can view my website here and get my contact info and will give you a quote.

These were done digitally using Magna Studio 5

If you use Excel and are interested you can check out his book here: link to book

Grunge is back – paintings and postcard sets for sale

art, music, painting


Grunge postcard set – on etsy store here

It’s been a while since these paintings were done but were created with a sense of nostalgia. Was really transfixed the first time that I saw the Smell Like Teen Spirit music video. It was so different and entertaining. Hooked on this new music called grunge.

Later on bought a stereo system which had my first cd player. The first two cd’s that I bought were classic Queen and Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam became my favorite album and was obsessed with it. Later on got into the likes of  Soundgarden, Screaming Trees, and Stone Temple Pilots.


Mark Lanegan painting – SOLD

The first painting that was done was of Mark Lanegan. Mark Lanegan is my absolute favorite singer. Enjoy his voice and haunting vocals. This happens to be my favorite painting as well. Ended up posting a pic of the painting on a blog and it sold instantly. After that decided to do the Chris Cornell painting. Later decided to just do a grunge series of paintings. The paintings that were done after Chris Cornell were painted with only black paint on a white canvas. Only using black made for a better and higher quality painting.


Chris Cornell painting – available on etsy store

After all the paintings were done got them printed as postcards and are selling them as a set. The postcard set is of all 6 paintings.

Just added the remaining paintings that haven’t been sold and the grunge postcard set to my etsy store. You can view the store here


Kurt Cobain painting – available on etsy store


Eddie Vedder painting – available on etsy store


Layne Staley painting – SOLD


Scott Weiland painting – available on etsy store